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Prayer Resources

These helpful resources were created by the original founder of Catholic Digital Resources, author and speaker Terry Modica of Good News Ministries.

Chaplet of Our Lady of the Lilies for a Son or Daughter

Description: Print and fold this double-side pamphlet of the Chaplet of Our Lady of the Lilies to pray for your children. You can use ordinary rosary beads. Each decade calls forth a different virtue.

$15 Parish License

A Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Description: This 2-page (one paper double-sided) hand-out is a set of 12 prayers that can be meditated on individually or as a whole to dedicate one’s life to the Holy Spirit’s power and service.

$15 Parish License

Novena to the Holy Spirit

Description: In the Church’s tradition of making a Novena to the Holy Spirit (especially during the 9 days before Pentecost), this 2-page (one paper double-sided) hand-out uses the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Fruits of the Spirit as the basis of a unique and personal growth-producing novena.

$15 Parish License

Gifts from the Spirit of Truth

Description: Using Isaiah 11:2-3 and John 16:12-15, this leaflet explains how the Holy Spirit teaches us what we need to know and helps us recognize the truth, through the seven sanctifying gifts of the Spirit. Includes a prayer for an increase of the gifts.

$15 Parish License

Intimate Conversation with Jesus

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Booklet preview

Description: A beautiful guide into a deep prayer experience with Jesus. “An Intimate Conversation with Jesus” is written as a dialog

$15 Full Color Leaflet (Parish License)

$15 B&W Booklet (Parish License)

The Way of the Cross

Description: The Stations of the Cross are presented in “The Way of the Cross” with evangelization in mind. This printable e-booklet contains prayers that are designed to personalize the experience and invite deeper faith in Christ and his immense love for us. 16-page prayer book (8 pages, folded in half; print double-sided). Available in both English and Spanish.

$20 Parish License

The Tears of Saint Monica

Description: Saint Monica is the Patron Saint of married women and mothers. She is a source of hope for those who despair over their loved ones who have left the Catholic Faith. This 3-page hand-out includes the Litany of St. Monica and a Novena of St. Monica.

$15 Parish License

Social Justice: The Calling of Every Christian

Description: Scripture-based prayer service or private meditation to inspire and encourage action against injustices, using 1 Peter 5:5b-11.

$10 Parish License

Praying the Rosary

Description: 7-page booklet includes Q&A of the most commonly asked questions about the Rosary, an explanation of how to pray the Rosary, and all four mysteries of the Rosary.

$25 Parish License

Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary

PowerPoint Presentation

Description: This is an interactive PowerPoint presentation of the Rosary of the Luminous Mysteries. It includes a sung “Hail Mary”, and a musical video meditation, “Let Your Candle Burn”. It includes quotations from Pope John Paul the Great’s Apostolic Letter, Rosarium Virginis Mariae (“The Rosary of the Virgin Mary”). This presentation is a visual way to meditate on the Luminous Mysteries of Christ’s mission, designed for use in RCIA, prayer groups, religious education classes, and other parish events, but it can also be used by individuals for private meditation. In RCIA, use it for your session about the Blessed Mother or any session on Catholic Prayer.

$30 Parish License

Little Flower Novena for Healing in Your Family

Description: Using the prayer of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, this Little Flower Novena comes ready to print as a 3-page leaflet. This novena of nine days of prayers is specially made for family needs.

$15 Parish License

Blessing the Home with Holy Water

Description: A traditional Catholic prayer service for families to use when blessing the home. In today’s world, it’s highly recommended to do this once a month.

$10 English or Español (Parish License)

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Beth Solis, a group facilitator in Oklahoma, says, "Our members asked us in the beginning if we minded taking things slowly so we could have time to really discuss each paragraph. We always have such great discussion! The PPT has been very helpful and is a nice addition."

study group

Feedback from a study group in Florida

Sylvia says, "This experience deepened my love for the Eucharist in ways I couldn’t imagine when we first started this course."

Karen says, "I never thought that I would read an encyclical. However, using the study guide made this experience so rewarding. It broadened my view about the Eucharist and my Catholic faith that makes me love and appreciate what Jesus did for us ever more deeply."

Tim says, "Being the only convert in the group, I ascertained a better and stronger understanding of the importance of the Eucharist, not only in the Mass but also in my daily life."

Jimmy says, "I learned so much about the Eucharist that was powerful and enlightening. This course helped deepen my faith and my appreciation for the Holy Mass."

Erin says, "It was amazing to get everyone’s perspective on the readings. And it deepened my love in the beautiful gift that the Eucharist is to all humanity for our salvation."

Shirley says, "This course was so enlightening. It was a gift that helped me grow in my faith."

Which PowerPoint Presentations cover what Sacraments?

An overview of all 7 sacraments is in the PPT
"The Nature and Function of the Church".

PLUS: The sacraments are also covered in the following PPTs:

Baptism - The Call to Discipleship
& it's further developed in
1. Confession: Sacrament of Healing
2. The Creed
3. Mission of the Redeemer

Eucharist - Christ's True Presence in the Mass
& it's further developed in
1. Life in Jesus
2. Who's Who in the Catholic Church
3. Confession: Sacrament of Healing
4. The Creed

Confirmation - The Sacrament of Confirmation
& it's further developed in
1. Salvation History
2. The Nicene Creed

Reconciliation - Confession: Sacrament of Healing
& it's further developed in
1. Who's Who in the Catholic Church

Anointing of the Sick is covered primarily in
The Nature and Function of the Church

Holy Orders - Who's Who in the Catholic Church
& it's further developed in
1. Christ's True Presence in the Mass

Marriage is touched on in The Call to Discipleship