Click on the help you need:
Table of Contents:
1. How to do the download
2. PowerPoint (PPT) Presentations
3. What if you don’t have the right photocopier for color documents?
4. If a Word document displays funky positions of lines, titles, text boxes, graphics, etc.
5. Using Multi-Media Meditations (.wmv files)
Not sure how to actually do the download?
See our step-by-step page for Windows users.
PowerPoint (PPS) Slideshow Presentations
After downloading the PowerPoint package and unzipping it, be sure to read the “README” file before doing anything else, for further instructions. The README file in the folder that the PowerPoint package unzips into describes how to run the presentation.
Our presentations are not editable. However, you can obtain a copy to customize. Here’s how and why.
Many of our documents include color photos. What if you don’t have a fast color photocopier?
If you don’t have a good photocopier or the time to make the copies, no problem! You can email or upload them to the website of your local printshop, Staples, Office Depot, Fedex, or similar place, and have them printed overnight.
If a Word document displays funky positions of lines, titles, text boxes, graphics, etc.
If a page does not format correctly for you, it might be because your software’s page margins are set differently than mine. Or it might be because your software’s hyphenation option has not been activated.
To set the margins correctly:
In MS Word, open a new, blank document. Then go to the File menu, then choose “Page Setup”. There, set the margins to:
Top: 1″
All other margins: 0.8″
After clicking the “okay” button, go back to the handout and open it again. It should look fine now. If the print-out does not show all parts of the page, go into your printer’s properties, options, or preferences, and choose the check-boxes that enable “background printing” as well as “hidden objects”.
Occasionally, a Word document has different margin settings than this. If the above fails to fix your problem, let us know.
Multi-Media Meditations (.wmv files)
Save it to your “My Videos” folder or anywhere you want to store it. Afterward, go there and double-click on it to open it, or start your Media Player and open it from there.
If the help you need isn’t on this page, contact us.